How to Pass Level 24 on Blue Box


Hello everyone and welcome to the walkthrough for the fifth chapter "Lost" of the Case Hunter, puzzle game. On this page, you can find the solution for cases 24-31.

Chapter 5: Lost

In this chapter, our character bumps into a stranger on the street who drops a photo of his father. Our character is determined to find the stranger…

CASE 24 "Bomb train"

In this case, our task is to find and disable the bomb that has been smuggled onto the train.

Tap on the torn photo on the ground to take a closer look at it.

Tap on half of the photo to pick it up.

Tap on the far side of the train to take a closer look at the photo.

Tap on the other side of the photo to pick it up.

Tap on the suitcase to inspect it.

Tap on the suitcase to open it and tap again to pick up the scissors.

Ok, now tap on the suitcase that is hidden below the bench.

Tap on the suitcase to start the interaction.

We will need a four-digit code in order to open the suitcase. If we take a look at the two halves of the photo in our inventory, we can see that there are four numbers written on them (two on each half). Enter these numbers to unlock the suitcase.

As soon as we enter the correct code, the suitcase will open and we can now see that there's a bomb inside of it, and the timer is ticking down. So, drag the scissors from the inventory and use them to cut the wires and disable the bomb.

With the bomb disabled, we completed the twenty-fourth case.

CASE 25 "The Runaway Child"

In this case, our task is to find a runaway child.

Tap on the lower part of the railway to take a closer look at the train.

Tap on the lever to stop the train.

Tap on the pink cube to pick it up.

Ok, now let's take a look at the cabinet on the left side of the room.

Drag the cube and place it into the empty slot.

Drag the jug, and use it to fill the cube with water.

Ok, now tap on the cube to pick it up.

Let's take a look at the refrigerator on the other side of the room.

Tap on the door to open it, and then drag the cube (filled with water) and place it inside the refrigerator.

Tap on the door to close them and wait a few moments for the ice to form.

After that, tap on the door to open it, and tap again to pick the frozen star from the cube.

Let's check out the blue box located above the bed.

Drag the yellow star, located on your left, and drop it into one of the slots on the box.

After that, drag the frozen star from the inventory and drop it into the other slot.

As soon as you place both stars, a clown toy will jump out of the box. The clown is holding some kind of a ticket in his hand. Tap on the ticket to pick it up.

This is a train ticket, so it seems that the missing child might be on a train. Tap on the ticket.

Well, let's listen to the instructions and tap on the upper right corner of the screen to go to the next area.

Tap on the "Train".

Well, there's our missing child. Tap on it to start the interaction.

After finding the missing child, we completed our twenty-fifth case.

CASE 26 "The neighbor who stole the delivery"

In this case, our task is to choose the correct dialog option and solve the case.

Tap on the second option "Hi, buddy"

Let's lie to him. Tap on the second option "I'm a cop"

Tap on the second option "Is there anything unusual about your neighbor?"

Tap on the second option "We suspect that your neighbor is dealing poison by courier"

Tap on the first option "I don't think so"

Finally, tap on the "Sure enough, you stole the delivery"

Our character managed to discover who stole the delivery, and with that, we solved our twenty-sixth case.

CASE 27 "Soul clinic"

In this case, our task is to help a man that has fallen into a coma, after a traffic accident.

Let's check out the clothing first.

Tap on the clothing to move it aside, and you will reveal a briefcase hidden behind it. Tap on the briefcase to pick it up.

Tap on the framed photo, located on the cabinet, next to the bed, to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the photo to pick it up.

Ok, now let's check out the glass bottles in the lower half of the room.

We can see that there's a key inside the bottle on the left. Tap on the bottle twice to break it.

Tap on the key to pick it up.

Tap on the cabinet on the left to take a closer look at it.

Drag the key from the inventory, and use it to unlock the padlock.

We found a lollipop inside the cabinet. Tap on the lollipop to pick it up.

Ok, now let's take a look at the drawer below the bed.

It seems that we can put some items into the drawer. If you take a look at the picture above the bed, you will notice that the first shape (looking from left to right) resembles a framed photo. So, drag the photo from your inventory and drop it into the drawer.

After putting in the photo, we can see that the first of the three green lights is now "ON". We can also see that one part of the patient's brain became active. Also, the picture on the wall above the bed has changed, and now we know that the second item should be the lollipop. So, drag the lollipop from your inventory and drop it into the drawer.

Ok, two out of three. Now, we can see that the last item is the briefcase. So, drag the briefcase from the inventory and drop it into the drawer.

After we placed all three items in the drawer, the patient remembered his family, and suddenly he woke up from the coma and went home. With that, we solved our twenty-seventh case.

CASE 28 "Black-hearted pet merchant"

In this case, our task is to find a missing animal and arrest the merchant.

First, tap on the bone on the right to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the bone and a patch of hair to pick them up. Looks like the hair belonged to the thief, although it might also be patch hair from the missing animal. Whatever's the case, we have our first lead.

Tap on the dog to take a closer look at it.

Drag the bone from your inventory and give it to the dog.

Ok, now let's give a patch of hair to the dog because he should be able to track the thief by scent.

After sniffing the hair, the dog quickly found some tracks and went after the thief. So, let's follow the dog. Tap on the zoo gate.

Well, it looks like we're going to board the train, again.

Tap on the screaming lady to see what frightened her.

Oh, there's a mouse under her seat. Tap on the mouse to pick it up.

Let's take a look at the other lady.

It looks like the "lady" is actually a thief in disguise. Let's drag the mouse from the inventory, and use it to scare the thief.

Well, the thief's disguise is ruined. Let's check out his wig. Drag the glass of water from the table and spill it on the wig.

Well, we caught a thief, found a missing animal, and with that we completed our twenty-eighth case.

CASE 29 "The person who bullied Miss M"

In this case, our task is to choose the correct dialog option and solve the case.

Tap on the second option "Hey, bro"

Tap on the first option "I heard that you did something excessive to Miss M last night"

Ok, let's lie to him. Tap on the second option "I'm a police officer here to investigate"

Tap on the first option "As far as I know, you went our early this morning"

Tap on the second option "Did you take a taxi to a nearby hospital"

Tap on the "Miss M stepped on that man's foot last night, so it was you"

And with that, we solved our twenty-ninth case.

CASE 30 "The missing Mr. Richest"

In this case, our task is to find Mr. Richest.

Tap on the newspaper, located on the bed in the lower right corner of the screen, to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the newspaper to open it, then tap again to pick it up. Also, memorize the letters on the right side, because we will use this password, very soon.

Tap on the green table to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the drawer to open it, then tap again to take out the locked box.

Tap on the box, once more, to take a look at the password. The password for the box is written on the right side of the newspaper. You can tap on the newspaper to take a look at the password again. The password was "OFS_F". The fourth letter is the letter "S" although, but we can' see that by looking at the newspaper. So, enter the password "OFSRF" to open the locked box.

Once you opened the box, tap on the key and the locomotive to pick them up.

Tap on the lower part of the railroad to take a closer look at it.

Drag the locomotive from the inventory and place it on the railroad.

Tap twice on the ticket to pick it up.

Ok, we found a train ticket, so let's tap on the map.

Let's board a train.

Tap on the man in a suit to start the interaction.

We can see that he would like to have a coffee. Tap on the other end of the railroad car.

Drag the train ticket from your inventory, and use it to open the door.

Tap on the suitcase to take a closer look at it.

Drag the key from the inventory and use it to unlock the suitcase.

Tap on the ring to pick it up.

Tap on the coffee jug to take a closer look.

Tap on the coffee jug to pick it up.

Tap on the table to take a look at the magazine.

Ok, here we can see Mr. Richest, and he is wearing the ring that looks exactly the same as the one that we just found. So, let's go back to the previous area.

Tap on Mr. Richest to start the interaction.

Drag the coffee jug from the inventory, and use it to pour him some coffee.

When he tries to reach for the coffee, drag the ring from your inventory and put it on his finger.

With that, we found Mr. Richest and completed our thirtieth case.

CASE 31 "Nursing home worker"

In this case, our task is to help our old friend, Lawrence, who got sick and was admitted to the hospital.

Tap on the guy that is freaking out.

We can see that we will need some medical supplies in order to help Lawrence. Ok, for now, let's take a closer look at that stick.

Tap on the stick to pick it up.

Tap on the cat to take a closer look at it.

We can see that there's something under the cat. So, drag the stick from your inventory, and use it to distract the cat.

Well, with the cat out of the way, we can see that she was sitting on an IV bag. Tap on the IV bag to pick it up.

Tap on the couch to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the walking stick to pick it up.

Ok, now let's check out the gate located in the lower part of the screen.

Tap to take a closer look at the lock. To unlock the gate, we have to change the position of red and blue rectangles (the red ones should be on the right and the blue ones should be on the left). We are going to go through this puzzle step by step. We will look at the rectangles from left to right.

Step 1

Tap on the fifth rectangle, then tap on the third rectangle.

Step 2

Tap on the second rectangle, then tap on the fourth rectangle.

Step 3

Tap on the sixth rectangle, then tap on the seventh rectangle.

Step 4

Tap on the fifth rectangle, then tap on the third rectangle.

Step 5

Tap on the first rectangle, then tap on the second rectangle.

Step 6

Tap on the fourth rectangle, then tap on the sixth rectangle.

Step 7

Tap on the fifth rectangle, then tap on the third rectangle.

Step 8

Finally, tap on the fourth rectangle to solve this puzzle and open the gate.

Let's check the cabinet, located behind the gate.

Tap on the three bottles that are labeled with numbers 2, 3, and 4 and they will be added to your inventory.

Tap on the small table to take a closer look at it.

We can see that the bottle on the table is labeled "1". Also, we can see that bottles should be arranged chronologically (1,2,3,4) by looking at the label stuck to the table. So, drag the bottles from the inventory, in the correct order, and place them on the table.

Once you've done that, tap on the table to pick it up.

Ok, now let's talk to the guy that's freaking out, and give him the items that he needs.

Drag the IV bag from your inventory and give it to the guy, then do the same thing with the table.

After we gave him the items, the guy calmed down, and the door behind him opened. Tap on the door to go to the next area.

Tap on the garbage can to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the garbage can to turn it over, then tap on the duct tape to pick it up.

Tap on the broken cables to take a closer look.

Our character can't touch the cables with his hands while they're in the water. So, drag the walking stick from the inventory and use it to pull the cables out of the water.

Drag the duct tape from the inventory and use it to repair the cable.

With that done we managed to save Lawrence, and we completed the thirty-first case.


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